Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sisterhood is for a lifetime

When I tell people about my college life, most of them say, "I can't believe you were in a sorority!" There are two issues I have with that statement:

1. People has a misconception about sororities. We are not stuck up people that have to look perfect all of the time. And no...we do not haze new members!

2. I still AM a member of a sorority. People think that membership in a sorority is just during college, it is so much more than that!

I am a a down to earth person that loves watching football and wearing jeans and t-shirts. I hate putting on makeup...I am by no means a girly girl. So, I never thought I would join a sorority. I went through Recruitment because everyone said it was a great way to meet people.
So, I went through recruitment and my life changed forever. I met some of my best friends, we were in each other's weddings, and call each other's kids/fur babies our nieces and nephews.
While in school, I learned leadership skills and teamwork. I had the time of my life with my best friends. We share a bond that never ends.

I graduated college in 2004, but I am just as involved in Chi Omega now, as I was back in college. I have served on the Alumnae board in Pittsburgh as well an Advisor for a local collegiate chapter. There is something truly rewarding about helping to shape young women's lives. It is also comforting to know that I can move anywhere and find a group of sisters with whom I share an instant bond. Sisterhood is for a lifetime!

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